How to Relieve Sunburn With Yogurt

How to Relieve Sunburn With Yogurt

Getting sunburned can be a painful way to spend your vacation. Luckily, a home remedy may alleviate your sunburn pain without much hassle. Simply reach into your refrigerator and pull a container of yogurt from the shelves to begin relieving your sunburn pain.

Things You'll Need:


Aloe vera gel or mashed strawberries


Cool water


Get the coolest container of plain yogurt available from inside your refrigerator. Check the label to make sure that the yogurt contains live cultures.


Add a spoonful of pure, aloe gel to the yogurt. Incorporate the aloe gel into the yogurt with a spoon. The aloe adds an extra skin-soothing ingredient to the yogurt. Alternatively, you may make a mixture of half mashed strawberries and half yogurt.


Spread the yogurt onto your skin using your fingers or a spoon. Add thick layers to the affected skin so that the yogurt covers the entire area of the sunburn.


Wait 20 minutes while the yogurt soothes your skin, warms and dries.


Wipe away the yogurt mixture as soon as it warms or dries on your skin.


Reapply another layer of yogurt if the pain persists. Repeat the process until you have used the entire container of yogurt and the pain subsides.


Rinse the last of the yogurt mixture off your skin in the shower. Use cool water to minimize pain.

Tips & Warnings

If your sunburn is contained to one area, consider soaking a small cloth in the yogurt mixture and using the cloth as a compress against your skin.

Don't use the yogurt mixture near the eyes.

How to Relieve Suffering with the Power of Touch.

How to Relieve Suffering with the Power of Touch.

The nurse and caregiver have at their disposal a very magical and therapeutic asset that is not being put to the optimum level of engagement. I am speaking of the Power of Touch. A gentle touch can bring comfort to an ailing person; can calm a trouble soul; can bring a renewed level of energy to a tired individual. This article will provide information on various types of touch therapy through summaries of research models. Perhaps the article will influence a nurse or care giver to employ the Power of Touch as he or she goes about the duties of providing care.

Things You'll Need:

A patient.

A few minutes to linger at the bedside.

One or two caring hands.


Touch Therapy in the from of massage.
NOTE: Before you begin, take the patient's blood pressure and pulse. Also assess respirations. Record these assessment with the time and
. After each session, retake the blood pressure and pulse. Record. Compare the data. Impressive, no doubt.
1. A massage can be applied to any part of a patient's robed or disrobed body.
2. Use of gentleness verses aggressiveness will prevent injury to delicate tissues and frail skin.
3. Massage the chosen body part in linear and/or circular motions.
4. The use of slightly scented or unscented baby oil can facilitate the experience. Please consult with patient before using scents.
5. A massage can involve only one part of the body or all parts. If massaging one limb, please attend to the other limb before conclusion.


Energy therapy.
NOTE: Before you begin, take the patient's blood pressure and pulse. Also assess respirations. Record these assessment with the time and date. After each session, retake the blood pressure and pulse. Record. Compare the data. Impressive, no doubt.
1. The purpose is to re-balance the energy field that exists around the body. It is believed that illness, stress, aliments are triggered by an imbalance in the individuals energy field.
2. Have the patient lie down on the back or on the stomach.
3. Place your hands at six to eight inches above the body. Move the hands up and down the length of the body, without making contact with the body.
4. Continue the exercise for at least 30 minutes.
5. The patient may not feel better instantly, but improvement should occur.


Reiki Treatment.
When conducting a Reiki treatment, the hands are placed on these body parts in a position as to not interfere with physical function. The person touches the body gently, and holds.

1. Face
2. Crown and Top of the Head
3. Back of the Head
4. Chin and Jaw line
5. Neck Collarbone and Heart
6. Ribs and Rib Cage
7. Abdomen
8. Pelvic Bones
9. Shoulder Blades and Mid-back
10. Lower Back and Sacrum

Research results: The conclusions suggest both biochemical and physiological changes in the direction of relaxation: lower blood pressure, decreased heart rate. The findings advocate that a solitary Reiki session has an effect on lessening perceived anxiety, increasing signs of relaxation and increasing immunological functioning.(

Tips & Warnings

Never be too aggressive.

Attend to privacy for each patient.

The use of oils may be of benefit in some situations where massage therapy is used. Consult with the patient prior to use.

For Additional information on these various types of touch therapy or specific research conclusions, refer to references below:

Massage Therapy-During treatment there was a significant improvement in self-rated health, mental energy, and muscle pain only in the massage group (Hasson, D., Arnetz, B., Jelveus, L., & Edelstam, B., 2004).

Message Therapy-A randomized clinical trial of the treatment effects of massage compared to relaxation tape recordings on diffuse long-term pain. (Psychothery Psychosome, 73, 17-24).

Message Therapy- Pre-mature infants receiving touch therapy gained more weight, quicker and dismissed from the hospital 6 days sooner (Scafidi, F.A., Field, T.M., Schanberg, S.M., Bauer, C.R., Tucci, K., Roberts, J., Morrow, C., & Kuhn, C.M., 1990).

Message Therapy-Autistic
receiving massage therapy showed more responsiveness to their surroundings(Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 1997. J AUTISM DEV DISCORD, June 97; 27(3):333-8).

Massage Therapy- Slow stroke massage has been applied to agitated behaviors of community dwelling individuals with Alzheimer's disease(Rowe, M. & Alfred, D. 1999. The effectiveness of slow-stroke massage in diffusing agitated behaviors in individuals with Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Gerontology and Nursing, 25, 22-34.)

Energy Therapy-(Lyon, L., 2008. U.S. News and World Report: Touch therapy. Electronic version: Retrieved February 16, 2008 from

Reiki Thearpy- (Desy, P.,2007. Reiki Hand Placements For Treating Others. Electronic version: Retrieved February 16, 2008 from

Saying a prayer over your patient will enhance benefits, whether spoken silently or in a volume that can be heard by the patient.

You are incapable of healing anyone. Only God can do healing.