How to Know Which Designer Jeans are in Style

How to Know Which Designer Jeans are in Style

Every woman, and many men, crave to wear the most popular and the most stylish designer jeans. However, it is not always easy to know for sure what is "in" and what is not. If you are ready to put some work into it, you will be the envy of fashion conscious friends and neighbors.


Type "Popular Fashion Designers" into a search engine and click on a few sites that seem creditable. Creditable sites may include fashion magazine sites, or any known fashion site that contains professional documentation.


Read the sites and take note of brands and designers that are consistently mentioned. Check with many sites to see if the information gathered is current and popular. The more often you see a designer mentioned the better. This means the designer has produced a line of very popular and stylish line.


List the designers and research the Internet to see the lines of wardrobe most recently released. When you find a pair of jeans you think you like, write down the style and the designer. Using the "Favorites" to keep up with certain sites will help you find information quickly later.


Watch any kind of media where Hollywood stars, musicians or anyone of fame and recognition appear. Pay attention to their jeans. Perhaps their jeans will match some on your list.


Clip pictures out of magazines or download pictures from a website where celebrities are shown in designer jeans. You are watching for the designer jeans that appear the most often. Congratulations, the hard work has paid off!